Injustice Experienced By Lloyd Morse In Cranston, Rhode Island
Injustice Experienced By Lloyd Morse In Cranston, Rhode Island

More Taxpayer's Money Being Wasted On Abuse Of Power By The City Of Cranston

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Injustice Experienced By Lloyd Morse In Cranston, Rhode IslandDoes the inflatable pictured at left look like a sign to you? Cranston resident Lloyd Morse is fond of placing large inflatables in his yard. Children and the public at large enjoy them and they have even helped slow traffic resulting in fewer speeding tickets being written. Could this be enough to irritate Cranston officials? Cranston Mayor Stephen Laffey and other town officials apparently don't have enough to do because they continue to waste taxpayer's money by going after Mr. Morse.

City Solicitor Jametta O. Alston who is NOT a resident of Cranston contacted Mr. Morse warning of liability issues, code, building and zoning violations citing sections 3-1, 3-7 and 3-9 of city code and advised he remove all inflatables. Originally Mr. Morse had a giant gorilla named Val which he removed. Godzilla, pictured above, made an appearance shortly thereafter.

Cranston Acting Building Officer Steven Rioles sent Mr. Morse a "2nd and final notice" citing violations of Cranston code 5-8, 30-17, 30-18, 3-1 and 3-7 along with a "cease and desist" and permit demands under threat of prosecution. In attempts to further intimidate Mr. Morse, Cranston officials also wasted taxpayer's time and money by having the police visit Mr. Morse's residence twice.

On the John Depetre show, Cranston Mayor Laffey stated to Mr. Morse on the air that as the CEO of the City of Cranston he was ordering Mr. Morse to remove inflatables from his yard. Note: this is the same Mayor that allowed Flamingos to be displayed as part of a public Christmas display. And Cranston's Deputy Director of Administration Robin Muksian-Schutt reported to the Providence Journal on 6-25-04 that Mr. Morse was "served again" when Godzilla appeared. Mr. Morse asserts he hasn't been served any papers at all and asserted that Val, the giant gorilla, will be reappearing with Godzilla shortly. Mr. Morse asserts that if the city is so concerned about safety and wires, why has he had to cut tree growth from wires due to negligence of the city? Mr. Morse is so irate he has decided to throw his hat into the ring and run as an Independent for Mayor of Cranston. He ran for mayor as an independent in 2004 with the slogan, "It's Gorilla Warfare in Cranston."

For Another Complaint Of Harassment From The City Of Cranston See The Mattera Complaint


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