"I became depressed, physically ill and seriously suicidal after experiencing the insanity of litigation. I lost my home and was sent to the street with nothing but the clothes on my back. Literally everything I owned was gone for several years. I fought my fight to points of exhaustion where all I could do was stare into space. Friends had left; I was emotionally isolated and normal living activities were no longer normal. Rage doesn't come close to describing the feelings I lived with for years. Even this is not the full story of how bad it got." -- The Founder Of Caught.net and The Pro Se Way
A couple of points from the Founder of these websites who knows all too well how badly one can be affected by Legal Abuse:
And the result is a VERY SERIOUS situation that can break just about anybody. Know this - you will be changed. Most importantly, we want you to know:
When you finally climb out of the wreckage, assuming you do, you will be much wiser and stronger in many ways. You will be well equipped to help others in the same situation. Some of the valuable advice I received during this 10+ year crisis is:
I never received justice in any substantive way. Oh, there was a thing here or there that gave me small smidgens of justice. But some points need to be made here:
A word of advice for those affected and infected by legal abuses: During the usually lengthy litigation process we tend to meet and perhaps befriend a lot of angry people on some level. Many turn into conspiracy buffs or people that are ANTI this and that thinking they have the system, conspiracies or 'the plan' all figured out. For many this becomes feeding on their anger in a negative way instead of recovering from it. Consider other friends. There comes a time when you need to climb out of the fox hole and be around people that aren't at war.
Do people still find justice in our system? Sure, it happens. More than not your only 'justice' will be the fact you can cost your wrongdoer a fortune in time and money spent fighting you, especially if you are Pro Se. Public embarrassment and exposure also affects wrongdoers. Many times the system won't let you win, but you can still fight. If enough people fought, wrongs would still be righted even with a system as corrupted as ours. Wrongdoers would stop committing wrong only because of the repeated cost of litigation, public exposure and embarrassment. Also don't forget there are other, civil, legal and lawful ways to go after wrongdoers via various forms of protests.
I am NOT suggesting we resign ourselves to a country not governed by the Constitution the way it is supposed to be. I am saying:
And NOT for that reason only. You must recover because there is not enough people that know what is really going on. Not enough people know how corrupt the system has become.
To All Those Who Have Or Are Experiencing Legal Abuses I Want To Say:
To all those in positions of power, the judges, lawyers, prosecutors, police and whoever else, I and untold numbers of Americans would like to tell you this:
In litigation, particularly protracted litigation, lives can be devastated, life savings wiped out, homes and families ruined and God only knows what else. Additionally many people, raised to believe in this country, will experience corruption in our legal system with judges, lawyers, prosecutors, police and sometimes even court staff that is shocking beyond belief. Attempts to get the corruption addressed or even recognized by authorities are met with deaf ears and complete ambivalence.
The degree of insanity one can run into with litigation is beyond description. Litigation can leave you feeling like a person without a country, alone, filled with rage beyond words, depressed and even suicidal, homicidal or both. It can go on for years and you will wonder if you will ever feel normal again. You will wonder if you can ever feel good about your Country again. You can also get hysterical or physically ill just thinking about and reliving the legal abuse nightmare.
There is a book available on Amazon called Legal Abuse Syndrome and a website called LegalAbuseSyndrome.org. This site also offers courses and other helpful information regarding Legal Abuse Syndrome.
Here is a good starter video and here is a YouTube search for Legal Abuse Syndrome
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